Are you Ready to Unlock Success BEYOND BELIEF?

This is your calling

Because Your Wildest Potential Is NOT Up for Negotiation.

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Dear Royal Trail-blazer,

You are here for a reason.

But you're NOT most people.

You’ve created a life others can only dream of.

And yet, you know deep inside that there's more.

You’re not feeling fully fulfilled anymore, if ever.

That’s because, you’ve come to this point of your calling where you realize that simply doing more lacks the depth you’re seeking.

Now, you can choose to do nothing and allow things to stay as they are, yet live the rest of your life with the potential for regret and a gnawing voice that tells you there is MORE for you.

Or, you can do what most people do, go harder, and hustle more.

Your third option is to accept the invitation to a new paradigm of consciousness.

It’s an opportunity to embody your Essence.

This is the only way to unlock success beyond your beliefs and what you think is possible.

Using the Paradigm of Euphoric Evolution, you get to Quantum Leap

You’re ready to explore & master the final frontier, your inner realm - where only the Top 1% of the 1% of people dare go. 

You likely feel responsible for many people; your family, your clients, your team, and someone who is always giving to others.

And you take radical responsibility for your presence, energy, and results.

You KNOW you’re a sovereign being.

It’s time for YOU to feel the connection and support for yourself because you’ve realized that the capacity to give and create MORE is directly related to your ability to receive more.

You desire to live a life of less force and more meaning, surrender, significance, and flow … this is Euphoria. 

My deepest wish is that you know it’s your time to be seen, supported, and cared for.

It’s time to amplify your version of success and step into a life of exquisite Euphoria.

It’s time to know that you are more than your external achievement measures.

It’s time to trust that you can have even more than you’ve ever dreamed of without the hustle of the physical realm. 


Someone who is spiritual and a legacy-oriented creator - you are already DOING in the world. You are already having an impact.

Ready to be challenged in how you think and are prepared to take the path of wisdom - to implement vs overthink.

Resilient and can follow through - you have a deep level of Self-Integrity


Simply speaking affirmations and waiting for change to happen.

Hoping that ‘skydaddy' is going to solve your problems.

Just consuming information over and over without taking action.

Looking for a quick fix or a cookie-cutter strategy.

A wishy-washy spiritual person - completely disconnecting from the world and relying on others to save or take care of you.

Co-dependent or needy.


We invite less than 10% of people who apply.

This is because we invite only those who are all in, who can be in our container and be expansive for each other vs constantly pitching and looking for what you can get out of it.

And we choose those who are aligned.

If this is you, I invite you to apply now.

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Working with Makhosi is not another group coaching program.

It is not a mastermind, nor another basic method for manifestation or mindset work.

This is a Portal to Self-Actualization for those Elite Few Who Desire to Step Into Euphoria as Conscious Royals.

Makhosi’s World is Beyond the Mainstream. It Exists On the Cutting Edge of Consciousness. Her Work Puts Superficial Coaching Programs to Shame.


Are You Ready to ENTER THE VORTEX OF LIMITLESS DEPTH, a Wildly Passion-Filled Life Beyond Achievement?

Makhosi Hefisah Nejeser, the Royal Shaman, Advisor to the New Kings and Queens, Invites A Chosen Few to Step Into Her World of LIMITLESS POTENTIAL, PASSION, AND PROSPERITY

Will You Be Among the Elite Few Who Are Called To Enter?

Hear The Royal Shaman’s Invitation to Euphoria.

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“I wore my work ethic as a badge of honor for over 18 years, just pushing, hustling, forcing. The moment I shifted gears from hustle into flow and cleared the wall in my mind, 

opportunities began pouring in!”


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What Happens After You Apply?

Once your application is received and reviewed, you will receive an invitation for an interview with our team if you are a good fit. Next, if we find it’s a good match, you will be invited into our exclusive space that’s just right and divinely aligned for you.

apply now to expand beyond success