

This is The Place Where A Very Small Percentage, Only the top 1% of the 1% of Conscious Entrepreneurs, Visionaries, and Trailblazers Are Called to Explore & Master the Final Frontier; 

Your Inner Realm.

Is that you? Do you desire to live a life of surrender to less force, more meaning, and significance?

If you feel the YES, it’s time for your
Euphoric Evolution, and you’re in the right place. 

This is The Place Where A Very Small Percentage, 
Only the top 1% of the 1% of Conscious Entrepreneurs, Visionaries, and Trailblazers Are Called to Explore & Master the Final Frontier; 


as seen in

Your Time Is NOW!


What to do,

What to think,

Who you are,

Why you're here.

YOU KNOW Why You're Here.

It’s Time to Remember That You’re Here to Create From Your Essence.

For the Guru, For the News, For Someone Else to Tell You

This is the Path of Euphoric Evolution

Where Leadership, Spirituality, Business, and Personal Growth MERGE & EXPAND into the Leading Edge of Evolution,

You Hear the Call. You Feel the Misalignment of “How things have always been done.”

It’s Time for US to Come Together. The Future is OURS to Create, From Embodiment and Alignment.


Where Leadership, Spirituality, Business, and Personal Growth MERGE & EXPAND into the Leading Edge of Evolution, into SUCCESS BEYOND BELIEF.

You Hear the Call. You Feel the Misalignment of “How things have always been done.”

It’s Time for US to Come Together. The Future is OURS to Create, From Embodiment and Alignment.


who we are

We are an alliance of incredible, conscious explorers, and we are delighted to welcome you here.

You, The Renegade, The Trailblazer, The Warrior, The Creator. The Sovereign You. 

& Show Up Ready to Reign

You Know What You Want to Offer the World Each Day

Means You’re Ready to See Beyond The Common Metrics of Success

The Fact That You're Here Right Now

...The Collective Mindset and Status Quo

You May Be Feeling The Inner Nudge to Question...

...Only to Find That You’ve Stumbled into a Place of Doubt and Confusion

You May Have Embarked on a Path of What You Perceived Success to be...

& Let Your Soul Drive Your Reality

You May Sense The Time Has Come To Fully Trust Yourself, Trust Life Unfolding 

If This is You, I Invite You To Proceed and Declare That It’s Your Time to Awaken, Recognize Your Royalty, Go Beyond Achievement, and Be ALL of You!

the royal evolutionary!


what you manifest

Being a ROYAL means Living a Life in Alignment with your Essence as an Abundant Trailblazer, and you're ready to:


Have the True Freedom You Desire beyond the Status Quo Version and Have the Money and Time for Whatever You Need

Create a Lasting Impact in Your Life, Business & Community, in a Way That Embodies Your Truest Essence.

Fulfill the Deep Longing of Your Soul in a Way That Leaves You Thriving vs Burned Out, and Know You’re Contributing Your Greatest Natural Gifts to the World.

Feel Deeply Connected and Energized by People In Your Life & Those You Work With.

Know and Trust that Your Life and Journey are a Wonderful Example of What You Envision for Humanity & Wish Others to Experience.


Makhosi Hefisah Nejeser, 

In her early teen years, Makhosi had a profound experience of loss that opened her to the MORE that is available in our reality. She entered into a domain of recognizing the “traditional” outdated narratives in our culture and religion that connect all of us and no longer fit where she envisioned our trajectory.

This initiated her journey into
deep self-inquiry.

It was then that she stepped into the world of personal growth and began her journey of ambition, and her rapid rise to success, graduating with multiple degrees while working full-time.

She asked questions like:
Who Am I?
Why Am I Here?
What is the Point of All of This?

Answers began to show up, which led her to the Mystery Schools, and extensive travel to complete multiple initiations in Africa, where she began to re-think everything about her life, the world, and consciousness.

Today, her tool of transformation is business. 

This is where she realized she was here to be a Priestess, a Spiritual Teacher, and ultimately The Royal Shaman.


Makhosi helps high-achievers and trailblazers...

...Tap into ancient spiritual wisdom in a modern, practical way that resonates with people from all walks of life. Her mission is to help you create satisfying success in the real world. 

Makhosi and The Royal Shaman team work with a select handful of clients in intimate group containers to develop a potent pathway to a sacred and soul-fulfilling life in pure & straightforward ways.

The Royal Shaman offers Royal Pathways for those who are ready and a fit for the space. The primary container currently taking enrollment is... 

If you would like to learn more, journey to the button below. 


learn more        ⬥

Hello Resources

Unlock the hidden force within you by discovering your primary, unique-to-you-Essence with our Essence Quiz.

Essence Quiz


Your Intuition is the KEY superpower to unlocking your ability to align with your purpose, embody your highest calling, and finally FLOW with abundance.

Activate Your Intuition Course

sign up now

Unplug from the Hype of Hustle and Redefine your Relationship with Traditional Success Metrics to Access True Inner Freedom. Receive immediate access to this FREE activation.

Luxury of Less

access now



And it Starts With this Quiz!

Awareness Begins With Understanding Your Current Level of Consciousness.

 The higher your level of consciousness and self-awareness, the more energetically aligned you will be with your Highest Potential.

 Start by taking the Consciousness Quiz. Click Below … You’re Minutes Away From Knowing More and Getting Your Next Guided Steps. 

*you get a custom activation when you’re done!

take the quiz




questions like

If these questions are whispering to you, it's time to stop seeking more strategies and take the next step to release the self-made cage of social conditioning.

It’s time to choose Euphoric Evolution because living based on someone else’s definition of success is no longer tolerable.

i choose euphoric evolution

Am I ready to expand my vision beyond ‘preconceived notions of success’ & let go of the yawn-inducing
goal-setting journals’?

What opportunities lie beyond my conscious expectations for life and business?

How am I creating from the limited scope of past results?

Has accomplishing my financial goals and milestones left me with an inner emptiness?

Why does my inner compass seem less attuned to my soul’s voice, leaving me unsure of the next step?

Why have things in my business, which used to have me jumping out of bed each morning with excitement, started to feel uninspiring and no longer aligned?

Why am I feeling the secret urge to scrap it all and start over?

If these questions are whispering to you, it's time to stop seeking more strategies and take the next step to release the self-made cage of social conditioning.

It’s time to choose Euphoric Evolution because living based on someone else’s definition of success is no longer tolerable.

What Is The
 Euphoric Paradigm?

Eu·pho·ri·a; a feeling of well-being or elation

Euphoria creates the embodied KNOWING that absolutely anything is possible, and you are WORTHY of it all. NOW.

Here’s what you may know about Euphoria:

You may have experienced the highs and lows of success as defined by external metrics, leaving you seeking continual proof of your worthiness.

Here’s what true evolution can BE for you now; Evolution can be Euphoric. It’s beyond the money you’ve already made. It’s beyond having time to do the things you love.

In choosing inner freedom, you decide NOT to be defined by anything external.

It stems from a new place to arrive— a place of trusting the Sovereign you.



If you’re like the influential, ambitious, goal-driven clients drawn to work with me, you may be flourishing financially and in many areas of life, but you feel restricted by external rules, and you hear an inner call for something different.





Even with the external validation of success, you’re treading water on the inside. 


You know something subtle that you can’t name is out of alignment.


You may feel discontented and disillusioned by years of hustle and reaching for status-based success, leaving you burned out without knowing how to get out.


Maybe you feel stuck in your own sliding door movie where the harder you push to get it “right,” the more the clear solution stays beyond your reach.


Maybe you’ve even started to feel resentful of your business.


Even though you’re the shining image of success externally, you feel stagnant, even trapped internally.


If you feel the truth in your heart or belly, it’s time to choose a new path. Let’s explore who you would BE without the weight of external voices, rules, and metrics.


Reveals The Sovereign You & TRUE INNER FREEDOM, Beyond Money & Time

Will you step through the threshold?

We are holding the door open for you. 

learn more   ⬥



Activate Your Unique Energetic Blueprint for Ultimate Freedom, Flow and Fulfillment.

Step into a realm where reality bends to your will, where your consciousness crafts the life you crave. 

Get started for as little as $150*