You are here because you're ready to embark on an extraordinary journey. You're done with worn-out strategies and status-quo coaching methods. You're ready to break out of the confines of your current existence and step into a world of FLOW – a world where your essence, strategic alignment, and effortless grace fuel creation. Your royal pathway to real transformation in life and work awaits.

We see your radiant success, but we also hear the subtle, persistent voice within you - the voice that yearns for deeper meaning and bigger impact, the voice that heralds the call of the VOID. This call is an invitation to journey beyond your known territories, an invitation to break new ground on your personal and professional path.

The VOID may seem daunting, but it doesn't necessarily require a clean slate. Authentic change can be an evolution, a blossoming of your existing self. This journey, however, requires an experienced guide, someone who has not only survived the dance with the VOID but emerged triumphant.

This is an opportunity to tap into your core essence, to awaken to a new level of consciousness and explore possibilities beyond imagination.

Is it time to exceed the boundaries of your wildest dreams, without a rigid blueprint?
Your heart’s been whispering, and you're here to heed the call - the call to a euphoric evolution.

Unearth Your Unsurpassed Potential Without Fear
of Burnout -The Royal Shaman's Path Awaits.

Welcome to your Euphoric Evolution,
a different and extraordinary way.


01. You Are Ready to Transcend the Ordinary Life and Business Landscape.

Step beyond the boundaries of convention with the guidance of Makhosi, the Royal Shaman, and into a realm of limitless potential.

02. You Are Curious About Ancient Wisdom in Modern Business.

Discover how age-old wisdom can revolutionize your approach and breathe life into your entrepreneurial spirit.

03. You Are Ready to Balance Profits with Purpose.

Unite the dual forces of material gain and spiritual growth to create a deeply fulfilling entrepreneurial journey.

04. You Are Open to the Idea of Cosmic Abundance in Business.

Let your business become a conduit for the universal FLOW of prosperity, influencing your surroundings positively.

05. You Are Ready to Awaken Your Inner Essence for True Success.

Allow the Royal Shaman to awaken the confident leader within you and chart a path that aligns with your highest truth.

06. You Are Craving a Transformation in Your Life and Business.

Experience radical business evolution without the fear of burnout or collapse, opening doors to unimaginable success.

07. You Are Ready to Elevate Your Life & Business with Euphoric Evolution.

Mirror your inner transformation in your business, converting untapped potential into tangible prosperity.

08. You Are Ready to Welcome Miracles in All Forms.

Embrace the potential for miraculous breakthroughs and extraordinary achievements as you weave together wisdom and business acumen.

09. You Are Open to Profound Spiritual Connections in Life & Work.

Sense and navigate the intricate interconnections in the business world for collective growth and prosperity.

10. You Dare to Break the Business Status Quo.

If you're bold enough to redefine business norms, the Royal Shaman's path awaits you.

11. You Are Ready to Join an Evolutionary Business Container.

Immerse yourself in a collective of forward-thinking entrepreneurs, united in their quest for growth and transformation.

12. You Are Seeking an Authentic Path to Business Self-discovery.

Unveil your unique business identity with genuine, transformative wisdom, free from market jargon or sugar-coated truths.

13. You Value the Practical AND the Visionary.

Practical business tools and visionary insights combine in the Royal Shaman's teachings to forge your path to entrepreneurial self-discovery.

14. You Are Ready to Join a League of Transformational Leaders

Start scripting your tale of transformation by joining a community of transformed entrepreneurs and becoming the change-maker you were meant to be.

Take a moment to visualize your boundless potential, then begin your application to bring your dreams into reality.

If your application resonates with us, you'll be invited for a transformative conversation with the Royal team.

If the chemistry is right, we'll welcome you into one of our handpicked sanctuaries.

So, what's next?




Complete the application form sincerely and comprehensively. Our team will review your responses and help guide you to your next phase.

If this feels like the path you're meant to walk, click below to begin your application process now.

Are you brave enough to step into Makhosi’s world of spiritual authenticity, elevated consciousness, and euphoric evolution?


“It was $600,000 every launch, I just kept getting stuck every time, no matter what we did. No matter what strategies we implemented, no matter how many people would sign up for our free workshop leading into the launch, it did noT matter. It was like, no matter what we just kept hitting the ceiling. 600,000, 600,000, 600,000. And then after I hired Makhosi we did $1.85 million.”

Testimonials from
The Royal Shaman Clients


“While working with Makhosi, my whole identity change has been tremendous. It's really this uncovering of who I am, but also that I was always this person and just stepping into her. And also the magic of what you don't search for necessarily just arriving in front of you rapidly.” 

“Looking back at the last 10 months is amazing. I took the month of August off, which was also really scary. In December, I worked no more than 20 hours a week and made almost $200,000, and in Q1 this year I made over $300k so far. When the years before I was lucky to hit $400k for the year!”

“Truly one of the biggest reflections of the evolution that I've taken while being a part of this container is that I was required to face some really big fears and be completely unabashed in being fully authentic.”

“From the first call with Makhosi Hefisah Nejeser something shifted DEEP. Yes, finances are a wonderful aspect of alignment, but I seemed to travel straight through increasing rates (2.5x) and into the deeper message of the value of my gifting. Just in the past month or so, it's shifted beyond. I'm not concerned about money. This is not said by someone who is making an insane amount of income. But more that I have shifted into a space of knowing the right financial amount will come and that I am now living and working from a place of passion.”

“This year, I've booked every second week off to see no clients at all to give myself space to work my offer. Something I was scared of doing! I've hired a new admin, to have more admin support at the office. I have been working on building my conviction muscle about my high ticket offer, which Makhosi had suggested. Which now feels like it's a great deal! And we also doubled our KPI goals for clients booked and we grossed $72,000 last month, which was the highest grossing month, for total revenue that we've ever had” - Jenny 

“I joined Synarchy to surround myself with like-minded women, bring my business to the next level and embrace the void I’m in. 3 months in, I gained clarity on my purpose, launched a podcast who has already reached 1000 downloads, found a publisher for my book and made true heart to heart connections. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year holds for all of us!” - Ele

apply now to expand beyond success